Friday, November 27, 2009


Why is it that all the first episodes of tv shows are titled Pilot? It is this phenomenon that has caused me to call my very first blog by this name.
I do not pretend to be a good writer - infact, my writing skills are below the levels of normality - i think its because i tend to go off topic and my spelling, well lets not go there (i blame spell check)
But that said, i still have things to say - however important or unimportant they are. i just hope by the end you, the reader, will have understood what i have said and thought 'What?"....
Moving on...
So today, with nothing better to do, i decided to go to a movie. And what movie did i decided on seeing? well - New Moon ofcourse!
Whilst watching the movie, it became apparent how pethetic people can be. The movie was constantly filled with giggles and oogeling, not to mention frustration at the on-screen characters for not doing what they wanted. Have you ever had that feeling inside of you where you want to turn to the person behind you doing all this and try and shake them back to reality? it took a great amount of strength not to turn to the people next to me and tell them to get a life.
The fact that people obsess over fictional characters and movies in kind o disturbing. Hear of that girl who had a fit and had to be taken to hospital cos her Edward Cullen poster ripped... Wow - i mean really?!?!

But why do people do this? Are their lives so bad they need to immerse themselves in fictional worlds? or are the just plain psycho? Hmmm... you tell me

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